Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Longevity, Aesthetics, Health, and Beauty
Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Longevity, Aesthetics, Health, and Beauty
Do Pets Really Make You Live Longer? - 037
Do Pets Really Make You Live Longer?
In episode 37 of the Anti-Aging Lifestyle I breakdown the benefits of owning a pet in regards to your health!
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Some highlights from the episode:
Pet Intro: People love their pets. The majority of households in America have at least one pet… so what are the health benefits?
My Pet History: A quick personal run down of my pet experiences. Get ready to have your mind blown.
Lower Mortality: Pet owners has less of a risk of dying from all cause mortality than those living without pets.
More Exercise: Owning a pet leads to more overall exercise, which has numerous health benefits.
Lower Stress: Pet owners can look forward to lower blood pressure and cortisol levels.
Feel Better: Pets release “feel good” hormones that make you less likely to suffer from anxiety and depression, especially during these times of working from home and/or social isolation.
Living for Something: Humans are social creatures, and when we have someone or something to live for, there are benefits to our health.
Immune Boost: Pet’s increase your natural antibody protection to boost your health.
Many Animals: Researchers also found benefits from other animals, like cats, rabbits, and turtles.
Allergy Relief: Teenagers that were born with a pet in the house, saw increased immunity to allergies later in life.
Pain Relief: Those “feel good” hormones that pets release also do wonders for natural pain relief.
Potential Cons:
Responsibility: Owning a pet takes some work, and you need to keep a regular feeding, exercise, and grooming schedule.
Pet Cost: Pets are not free. Some pets cost more than others, find what you can comfortably afford.
Other options: Keep in mind, if you don’t want to own a pet, there are other ways to still enjoy pet benefits.
Conclusions: Animals take some work, but there are clear and significant health benefits.
I finish the episode with Tomko Tip #37 where I talk about the power of using mini-goals and small steps to achieve your dreams.