Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Longevity, Aesthetics, Health, and Beauty

Cigs, E-Cigs, Vaping, Cigars, Hookah - Damage vs Benefits - 034

Paul Tomko

In episode 34 of the Anti-Aging Lifestyle I do a deep dive into the pros and cons of the most popular smoking options, which is best, which is worse?

Some highlights from the episode:

Smoking Background: Why I chose to do this episode.

Cigarettes: How popular they are now compared to their prime. The few benefits I could find, and the longest list of cons I have ever seen from a single bad habit!

E-Cigs and Vaping: How do they differ? Why is vaping so popular with the younger generation? Are either of these safer than traditional cigarettes?

Cigars: Why they are the cleanest option on the list, but also why it’s hard to quantify just how much less damaging they are compared to other methods of smoking.

Hookah: Why do we continue to see hookah lounges pop up all over America? Why are they so popular? Are they healthier?

I finish the episode with Tomko Tip #34 where I go over the many types of relationships most people have with food. To me it’s all about awareness and keeping that relationship healthy!

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