Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Longevity, Aesthetics, Health, and Beauty
Paul Tomko is on a mission to optimize your health, help you live as long as possible, and make sure you look good as you do it. Paul used to compete as a natural bodybuilder and men’s physique athlete, but after 9 tough competitions his health began to suffer, so he decided to re-prioritize his health. The result is a show where longevity meets aesthetics and beauty. Join Paul on his journey to discover the ultimate anti-aging lifestyle to help you look and feel your best, for as many years as possible. Learn tips on how to stay beautiful, reduce stress, build confidence and happiness while pursuing your life’s purpose. Understand how exercise and nutrition can help reverse aging, increase your health, help you burn fat and build muscle as you boost your metabolism. Learn proper skin care to reduce wrinkles. Stop and reverse disease and cancer. Learn how to attack the root cause of aging by optimizing your hormones and telomere length while reducing oxidative stress, environmental toxins, excessive inflammation and DNA damage. So much to learn and apply… Let’s do this.
Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Longevity, Aesthetics, Health, and Beauty
Working Out Without a Gym for 3 Months - Lessons Learned - 031
Paul Tomko
In episode 31 of the Anti-Aging Lifestyle I give a rundown of the 5 biggest takeaways I have had from working out at home over the last 3 months.
Some highlights from the episode:
Gym Scene Redefined: As gyms reopen, the scene is much different from what it was just a few months ago. Social distancing, face coverings, temp screenings, and sanitation practices are the new norm.
Unclear Danger: It’s been hard trying to figure out the real threat of the coronavirus. The news reports and coverage has not been helping. Learning about the CDC guidance for counting deaths has not been reassuring.
Top 5 Lessons I Learned Working out From Home
Muscle Maintenance: Your hard earned muscles won’t just disappear. As long as you’re consistent with your workouts, bodyweight and simple exercises do a great job of maintaining your muscle mass and conditioning.
Caloric Burn: I needed to cut my calories dramatically, 30-40% less than normal, to prevent excess body fat gain while staying at home. Shorter, less intense workouts, coupled with much less overall physical activity means much less calories being burned.
Shorter Workouts: My workouts went from 60-90 minutes down to 30-45 mins. A reminder than what I’m short on time in the future, I don’t always need a huge block of time to workout.
Gym Appreciation: I have a newfound appreciation for the convenience of a gym and all of the equipment we normally take for granted. It makes working out easier, more fun, and safer. It allows those with limited mobility to maintain their fitness.
Home Gyms: While going to the gym has many social benefits, working out at home with a home gym is also really nice. No commute, fresh air, no need for headphones. If you have proper equipment, working at from home can be a great option.
I finish the episode with Tomko Tip #31 where I discuss why it’s so important to be flexible with your approach to your goals. The ability to pivot to a new, better approach, can optimize your chances of achieving your goal.
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