Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Longevity, Aesthetics, Health, and Beauty

Coronavirus - Fact and Fiction - 030

Paul Tomko

In episode 30 of the Anti-Aging Lifestyle I go over what’s fact and fiction with info from the top doctors on the front line ICU in NYC!

Some highlights from the episode:

COVID-19 Defined: What exactly is a coronavirus and what makes this one different?

Signs of Infection: What are the common symptoms of people who are becoming sick?

Prevent Spread: What are the best ways to avoid getting the coronavirus and keeping your family safe?

Treatment Options: What does the treatment process look like for someone who has the coronavirus and someone that has a bad case that needs to go to the hospital?

Vulnerable Populations: What populations are most vulnerable to this coronavirus?

Self-Isolation: How do you properly self-isolate to keep your family safe if you are sick at home?

Hospital Trip: How do you know whether or not you need to go to the hospital or if you can safely recover from home?

Dr. David Price Q&A: Top doctor from New York City’s front line hospital ICU breaks down the most common questions he receives on a daily basis.

I finish the episode with Tomko Tip #30 where I talk about how to use any extra coronavirus free time you may have to your benefit.

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