Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Longevity, Aesthetics, Health, and Beauty

Personal Trainers - The Pros, Cons, and Dangers - 026

Paul Tomko

In episode 26 of the Anti-Aging Lifestyle I give you my rundown of the pros and cons that I see working with a personal trainer. I have many years of experience working as a personal trainer, and I hope these insights are helpful!

Some highlights from the episode:

Introduction: What is the role of a personal trainer?

My Background: My experience in the fitness, physique, and personal training world.


Motivation: How a trainer can help provide extra external motivation for you.

Guidance: How a good trainer can help optimize the process of getting you in amazing shape while keeping you healthy and safe.

Fun: How a good trainer makes the process enjoyable and how they become an ever present partner in your journey of health.


Motivational Crutch: How relying on a trainer can actually make you weaker mentally.

The Journey of Self: How relying on a trainer can rob you of the journey of self that you can experience by learning and applying as you go.

Bad Guidance: How a bad trainer can lead you down a bad path, potentially sabotaging your goals and damaging your body and health in the process.

Summary: Think about a trainer as a partner alongside you, when you need them. Not as someone pulling or dragging you through your fitness journey.

I finish the episode with Tomko Tip #26 where I talk about how truly saying “yes” to one thing, means saying “no” to just about everything else.

If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5-star review for me on Apple Podcasts or follow me on Spotify. Both of those really help me grow the show and spread my message! I appreciate you!