Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Longevity, Aesthetics, Health, and Beauty

Struggling to Lose Body Fat? - 023

Paul Tomko

In episode 23 of the Anti-Aging Lifestyle I do another deep dive into your metabolism and how to optimize your fat burning potential.

Some highlights from the episode:

Metabolism Defined: What exactly does it mean when you talk about someone’s metabolism?

Metabolic Factors: Age, food intake, and muscle mass are some of the biggest factors that regulate your metabolism.

Muscle Misconceptions: The difference between fat mass and muscle mass. What it means to be “toned.” 

Female Body Fat: Why do females typically carry more body fat than men?

HIIT Cardio: Burn fat all day with EPOC on your side.

Lifting Weights: Burn fat all day by making your muscles work for you 24/7 to torch body fat.

Functional Circuits: An amazing way to boost your metabolism while making it fun.

Gentle Fat Burners: Using a little something is ok, don’t go overboard here or your body will fight back.

Stay Away from Steroids: Most of the time a terrible idea that will come back to hurt you.

Thermic Effect of Food: How you can get a little metabolic boost depending on which macronutrients you’re eating more of.

Clay Analogy: Warming the clay takes time. Boosting your metabolism is a process, but it builds a much stronger, more stable foundation of fat loss and health.

I finish the episode with Tomko Tip #23 where I talk about the evolution of fitness goals as you go through life, gain perspective, and mature.

If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5-star review for me on Apple Podcasts or follow me on Spotify. Both of those really help me grow the show and spread my message! I appreciate you!